• Room Redo Up on Copy Cat Chic!

  • 4 years and a puppy

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bathroom Remodel REVEAL!

Today I'm really excited to share my first remodel with you! I hadn't planned on doing this quite yet since we still have some things we need to finish in there, but I posted a room redo yesterday on Copy Cat Chic promising you can redo your bathroom for under $2000 and now I have to prove it ;) I briefly mentioned on CCC that the bathroom was on the tragic side: This is what we saw when we walked into the house the first time with...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

San Francisco Part III

This section is mostly Sonoma (which between you and me, was my favorite part) and our drive back to San Francisco down Highway 1. My mom and I, as previously mentioned, ate pretty well on this trip. We over-ordered, to say the least, at Bouchon Bakery and ended up eating salted chocolate tarts and pain au chocolat and giant macaroons for breakfast for more days than I feel comfortable sharing with you. We also had a sensational dinner at Bottega,...