• Room Redo Up on Copy Cat Chic!

  • 4 years and a puppy

Friday, August 23, 2013

Healthy Mac + Cheese

This is one of the most requested dishes when I cook for friends, and it’s also one I always make and leave in the fridge for Jake to eat when I’m out of town (otherwise he defaults to eating like a sewer rat. Love you!). You guys, I love macaroni. Everyone loves macaroni. Unfortunately, macaroni also makes me go comatose on the couch after partaking, and then compels me to kill myself at the gym the next day. Macaroni is a cruel mistress, but...

Lindsey Does on Copy Cat Chic!

Hey guys! I'm so pumped about today, my first post is up on Copy Cat Chic! I did a room redo of one of my favorite spaces and I think you guys are really gonna like it. Check it out HERE! Head on over to Copy Cat Chic to check out this fabulous ro...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

what a wednesday...

I'm trying to get on some sort of regular posting schedule but stuff just seems to keep coming up. Alas. I'll get there, hopefully sooner rather than later. So...eventful day, yeah? Today is a more somber Wednesday than we usually have, I think we can all agree. For starters, the news from Cairo is nothing short of bone chilling. On the drive home, I listened to an NPR reporter describe being shot at by military snipers while counting the...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Progress in the guest room!

Happy Sunday!! I used two exclamation marks in an attempt to make myself get excited about Sundays. I loooooathe Sundays. I can't help it, all I can think about all day is that I have to go to work tomorrow and it really just bums me out! But this weekend has been a pretty productive one, nonetheless. We've got the usual laundry/cleaning/drinking beers while watching bad bands out of the way, along with several little annoying house-related tasks....

Friday, August 2, 2013

"mostly Love, now"

Happy Friday to the world, oh how we all needed this day to be over, didn't we? Today was a tough one, I will be honest. I listened to too much NPR, which always puts me in a thoughtful and sober mood, and then work kicked my ass up and down life's hallway (and then made me type out that terrible metaphor). My day can really be summarized by the most important thing rap has taught me, which is "haters gonna hate." The only thing on my mind at 5:00...