• Room Redo Up on Copy Cat Chic!

  • 4 years and a puppy

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

4 years and a puppy

Well this week was a good one, guys! We got back from our annual family reunion/binge drinking trip on Thursday, which is always a good time. It makes me so thankful for the super weird, fun family that I have, and helps me reconnect to all the immeasurable life experiences that have made me who I am. I get to cook artery-clogging food with my mom, push my little brother off of rope swings, and float around in the river drinking beer for days on...

What 'organic' really means...

…Is bugs in your food. Intellectually, I know this. Practically, I was kind of shocked by my own lack of thought about it. Of course I know bugs are on food—bugs even make our food possible (I use the technical term ‘bug’ loosely). In my life, I’ve personally had two run-ins withtiny worms in farm-fresh cream peas and one harrowing experience involving a worm stuck to my lip while eating edamame (I still can’t talk about that one). But I guess the difference is that all of my food/bug...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Square One

I did it! Well, I'm doing it right now anyway. My first blog post and oh I'm excited! Truthfully, I've been planning this for months. On lunch breaks, in my dreams, in the middle of the night when I can't sleep (and when I can--see the aforementioned 'in my dreams' bit). I don't know what's taken me so long. I guess life has been hectic, but when is it not? More than anything I guess I wanted to make sure that whatever I put down here was meaningful...