Monday, September 30, 2013

Baby Broussard is here!

You guys--last week was a whirlwind. A really good whirlwind. My first 'niece' arrived on Tuesday, 3 days and 32 hours late but she's finally here! And she's really beautiful and I am in a glass case of emotion over her. She has so many funny faces and expressions, and she reminds me of a baby dinosaur the way she sticks her tongue out all the time. She's perfect in every way and we are all so in love with this little bitty girl. Sarah and Travis deserve a medal for making something this good.

Say hi to Baby Charlie!!

Charlotte Emerson Broussard was born September 24 at 11:21pm and I've been floating on a cloud ever since! Sarah had to work really hard for a really long time to get her here, but I think we can all agree: totally worth it.

Auntie Hillary beaming over Baby Charlie

Just a little baby nugget! I remember when my little brother Jack could fit in my lap this way he's got about 6 inches to go before he's taller than me. Time flies.

Auntie Val falling in love

A textbook case of baby-holding, courtesy of Jake <3

Uncle Scott and Baby Charlie having a moment. What a little peach.

Owen saying hello to his betrothed, 'Char-Wee'

Big sister Bailey

Pan comforting me after I realized Charlie can't come and live in my pocket forever.

I feel like I'm going to be doing that I'm-so-in-love sigh until Charlie is 45 (and changing my diapers for a change). Just kidding, I don't change diapers.

Sarah and Trav--you guys are just the best. I'm so honored to be able to share this with you. And thank you thank you thank you for this little ray of baby sunshine in my life. I didn't even know how much I needed it.


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