Sunday, August 4, 2013

Progress in the guest room!

Happy Sunday!! I used two exclamation marks in an attempt to make myself get excited about Sundays. I loooooathe Sundays. I can't help it, all I can think about all day is that I have to go to work tomorrow and it really just bums me out!

But this weekend has been a pretty productive one, nonetheless. We've got the usual laundry/cleaning/drinking beers while watching bad bands out of the way, along with several little annoying house-related tasks. We've got some more ceiling lights installed, which brings our total number of naked bulbs in the house down to 4! This house doesn't seem like it has an inordinate amount of light fixtures, but I guess it feels that way when you have to replace all of them. Jake also installed a new dimmer switch in the kitchen for me...


We've had a dimmer switch the entire time, but it's covered in paint, the switch plate has been missing since we started replacing them in March, and I no longer have to worry about accidentally sticking my fingers in a electrified wire tangle! Life is good. But the best part is that I've finally started on the guest room. As I've mentioned previously, it currently looks like a rat kingdom. So far it's really been used as a dumping ground, literally and figuratively. All of the stuff we haven't found places for yet, along with two litter boxes, just makes it feel like a black hole where sadness goes to die. But no longer! Jake's parents are coming in a few weeks and since I looooove a deadline, it's motivated me to get it at least halfway done for them.

The BEST part about this room is that since Jake doesn't have to live in it, I don't have to consult him about anything! And I'm so excited I could just squeal about that. I've got the color palette set, but I'm still playing with some of the individual elements. In addition to hosting sleepover parties, I want it to be a functional room from a storage standpoint so I'm going to hold off picking things like a desk, shelving, etc. until I figure out how I really need that room to work for me.

Here are a few inspiration images I'm working off of:

via Kishani Perera, my design spirit animal
(this is also on the top of my deck inspiration file)

via MWM

I picked up two RAST dressers from Ikea this week for a whopping $35 a pop, and I've already started transforming them into those black and gold Dorothy Draper-inspired nightstands in the pic above (that one's real, FYI). I'll do a separate post on those, but it's been a breeze so far and I really couldn't be happier with my progress (don't worry, the deck itself is written on our renovation list in giant black marker). All the small drawer pieces still need to be flipped over and painted, but the bodies of the dressers are already done. Once the drawers have 2 coats on each side, then I'll stencil the gold part onto the drawers and just assemble them. I'm so PUMPED, you guys! I'll also be DIY-ing an upholstered headboard, which I haven't done before and am really looking forward to.


  1. You need to take a trip to the Greenbrier

  2. I want to see the end result on this dresser! I bet it looks fabulous!
