Thursday, July 18, 2013

Square One

I did it! Well, I'm doing it right now anyway. My first blog post and oh I'm excited! Truthfully, I've been planning this for months. On lunch breaks, in my dreams, in the middle of the night when I can't sleep (and when I can--see the aforementioned 'in my dreams' bit).

I don't know what's taken me so long. I guess life has been hectic, but when is it not? More than anything I guess I wanted to make sure that whatever I put down here was meaningful to me. And since everything is meaningful to me, well, it took some time to figure out what I most wanted to say. The short answer is: everything. My interests are all over the map (like my brain, hey-o!) and some of them aren't great blog fodder. But after much consideration, I finally realized that the things that I do are what make my life just that. I can say things all I want, but if I do nothing about them? Well, then there's nothing to remember those words by. 

So here I am, at the beginning of a story that really isn't a beginning anymore, and I will just jump right in with my two feet. There's going to be a lot about food, I can tell you that. What else brings us humans together quite like a meal? It feeds my soul and I want it to feed yours too. And design, O be still my heart. In a previous life I was an art director and since a leopard can't change it's spots, I don't think this leopard will try to. She will, however, change out the pillows on her couch and tell you about her latest shoe purchase. Life? Well this would hardly be meaningful if all those little life things weren't mentioned. I promise that you will have dozens of kitty pictures to choose from, since boy did I luck out in the kitty department. And Austin, the place I call home, is a thread that runs through all the above topics. If I'm being honest, I want to fall in love with this city again. I don't know if that's possible but I sure will try. 

So here I go! Three cheers for doing stuff!


  1. So happy for you that you are finally taking the leap! Adding this to my daily list of blog reads.
